
How Can Pain Recovery Coaching Help You?

Pain coaching can help by gently helping you return to a state of resilience, peace, and calm where you feel safe in the world again and where your default starts to become more resilience and less hypervigilance.

As we go through this process together and you begin to feel safer in the world, TMS starts to take a back seat in your life. It’s no longer the focus. Getting your wants and needs met now becomes your focus. You will no longer live life as others want you to; you will begin to live your life how YOU want to. You will look forward to your pain-free days, feel free, and start living the happy life you were meant to live.

What Does a Pain Recovery Coaching Session Entail?

  1. Education is a big part of pain coaching. When we understand where our pain is coming from and that the brain is just making a mistake, we begin to feel safer.
  2. Self-care is a large part of healing. Learning to tame the critical voice and put yourself first is key.
  3. Somatic Tracking helps you understand how to attend to yourself and your pain through a lens of safety instead of seeing pain as dangerous.
  4. We will discuss and reframe other threats in your life or other fears that are keeping you in a state of hypervigilance and learn how to reduce your overall intensity.
  5. We will begin to focus on things that make you happy and fulfilled in your life, gravitating to positive feelings with the rational brain in charge now and the fear brain taking a back seat.

TMS and Fight/Flight vs. Resiliency

As children, many of us learned that life was unsafe. We learned to live in fight or flight, which is a stressful way to live. We only need to be in fight or flight when there is a true 911 danger. A car pulls out in front of us, we go into fight or flight, and when the danger is past, we return to a state of resilience.

We experience a breakup, get fired from a job, or lose a loved one and go into fight/flight/freeze for a short time, but then get back on track with our lives and return to a state of resilience.

But in the case of TMS, we have trouble returning to that resilient state. I lived most of my life in a hypervigilant state, which eventually led to chronic pain. Working with my TMS coach helped me to bring down my intensity.

TMS and Emotions

Chronic pain is sometimes the result of unexpressed emotions. My job is to help you determine if this could be the case for you. Journaling is a big part of this process.

I understand how difficult it is to live in pain. It makes life so much harder than it has to be. As I said earlier, pain coaching has changed my life, and it’s better than it ever was before the pain. I am certain it can help you too. You don’t have to remain stuck and in pain. Together, we can break the fear/pain/fear cycle and help you live the life you deserve.

For pain recovery coaching, please fill out our contact form, call or text 303-250-4275, or email [email protected].

Read more about Stacey’s journey through chronic pain and fatigue.

Pricing For Pain Recovery Coaching

$110/50-Minute Session

$60/30-Minute Session